Oct 1, 2022Liked by Brandon Dang

Love the thoughts. It speaks to me on finding and pursuing true satisfaction. Your post reminds me of something Ben Bergeron, renowned CrossFit coach and author of Chasing Excellence wrote about adversity:

“Humans naturally fear adversity, which is ironic because adversity is the one thing that makes us better. We have an instinctive fear of the one thing that is certain to lead to the results we crave. When we know this, the challenges, hardships, and struggles that might seemingly look like setbacks and things to avoid become anything but—they become defining moments that create the most dramatic changes and should be cherished and sought after, not feared and endured”.

The easy pleasure is short-term and a false illusion for the things that give us the most overall satisfaction, which by contrast tend to take time, energy, grit, and hard work to accomplish?

PS - don’t know how long the talk would last, but a cold tub talk would be an interesting combo of great ideas and tough things?

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Daily, I acknowledge my dependency on stimulation, but I never have made the connection to dopamine or pleasure. It is a vicious cycle, anxious thoughts lead you to grab your phone to distract you, but the onslaught of content curated for you is often the cause of that very angst. I am going to try and be more intentional about my social media usage, set boundaries, limits, or take breaks from it altogether. I appreciate you writing about this, it is extremely relevant, and unfortunately, will be for the foreseeable future.

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